The Perfect Housewife I came home from church yesterday full of the joys of spring and told John that from now on I was going to be the perfect housewife. (Nothing to do with exhortations at church). Quick as a flash he said, ‘I don’t want the perfect housewife, I want you’. So that lets me off the… Read More
Muddlehead Maintains Momentum I’m so organised lately. I think it started a fortnight ago when we finally got our new three piece suite. I cleared the sitting room, polished it up, and since then I have made a point of having only one hobby type thing at a time in there. (Apart from the pile of books on… Read More
Clockwork Monday Yesterday morning went like clockwork. I did all all activities as planned. Afternoon – I had been a bit vague about this anyway, In the end I finished watching Gone with the Wind (John had a client ((who didn’t turn up)) ). It began raining then, so I got out my work in progress Mass Book, and read… Read More