I came home from church yesterday full of the joys of spring and told John that from now on I was going to be the perfect housewife. (Nothing to do with exhortations at church). Quick as a flash he said, ‘I don’t want the perfect housewife, I want you’. So that lets me off the… Read More

Tomorrow is D-Day. Tomorrow will tell. Tomorrow I weigh myself. Ok, D-Day is really Easter Monday, but tomorrow is a rehearsal. You see, if I lost a pound a week, I would be 10st4lbs by Easter. A pound loss is hardly dieting. I wouldn’t even notice it. And if I kept it up, who knows… Read More

Hello again. This time I really am going to keep a record of my day to day ramblings. And this post is just to get it up to date before I start properly on Ash Wednesday. A good day for a new start. I stopped writing on 21st July 2015. I can see we had… Read More