What a gay day! I can’t believe I’m saying I had a good day, but I did. First, I discovered that the blue tits are nesting again in the nest box at the bottom of the garden. They had nested earlier this year, and it either failed or the babies fledged over Easter when we were away. Anyway, the… Read More
The Perfect Housewife I came home from church yesterday full of the joys of spring and told John that from now on I was going to be the perfect housewife. (Nothing to do with exhortations at church). Quick as a flash he said, ‘I don’t want the perfect housewife, I want you’. So that lets me off the… Read More
Nooo!!!!!!! 149.4lbs. How is it possible to put on 1lb in 24 hours? I’m supposed to be 147lbs next Monday, so I will have to have a very abstemious week. In other news – where did I get up to? Oh yes, Wednesday – Birding. Not one of our greatest days as the light wasn’t fabulous,… Read More
Ash Wednesday Ok, here is the first proper post of the renewal of my blog. Don’t worry, all you hordes of readers. There’ll be nothing erudite in it. (Apart from the word erudite). REPORT ON THE DAY. Had to get up at 7am as my birding group were going to Sewerby today. And I didn’t get to… Read More
Muddlehead Maintains Momentum I’m so organised lately. I think it started a fortnight ago when we finally got our new three piece suite. I cleared the sitting room, polished it up, and since then I have made a point of having only one hobby type thing at a time in there. (Apart from the pile of books on… Read More
Last week What have I been up to in the last week? Bank Holiday Monday We never go anywhere on bank holidays. Maybe it’s okay in Yorkshire, but I have terrifying memories of ‘darn sarth’ stuck in traffic jams all the way from Tolworth to Brighton. (Bit of hyperbole there, but hey, this is MY blog). What… Read More
R.I.P. Maureen Maureen was a lovely lady who was a brding friend. She and three others from Hutton Cranswck joined Michael’s first birding session in January 2004. We used to call them ‘the ladies from Hutton Cranswick’. Maureen was diagnosed with a rare incurable disease Amyloidosis about 11 years ago, and it lay dormant for years, but caught up… Read More
Swallows darting, horses farting Just another hour and a quarter spring walk along the canal and home by the fields. I really love living here in a semi-rural environment. On the way home I realised that only one car had passed me, so to make sure this stayed the case I took a path I don’t usually use. I forgot… Read More
Post, the Second This morning I dropped Haz off at the Duke of Cumberland, North Ferriby.Who’s Haz, you ask.That’ll be my third post.I had intended carrying on into Hull to return my library books, but I had no other reason for going in, and I don’t like shopping at the best of times. So instead, I headed for… Read More