20/04/2015 | Leave a comment We spent a lovely few days in Scotland. Weather really warm. We only actually child-minded on the Thursday and the boys were in bed most of the morning. Who were we to disturb them? Ali and I sat out in the sun a lot, and on Saturday we went to the first birthday party of Molly and Conor, twins of friends of Ali and Eric. We’ve met them often. In fact, they very kindly sent me a John Lewis voucher for my 70th birthday, and I bought a beautiful soft SeaSalt gilet with the money. We haven’t bought anything for the twins yet as we didn’t know about the party in time, and we didn’t get to any shops (except Tesco). Quietest party I’ve ever been to Home now, and back on the health kick. I didn’t put on too much. I will walk to the doctors today for John’s repeat prescription, and we’re having omelette tonight. Homemade bread for me for lunch. I can smell it already. Wednesday is birding, Friday, I’m meeting OU friends in York for the Richard 3rd exhibition and a spot of very healthy lunch. Apart from that – maybe some gardening, get on with my knitting, and maybe hang out with my new friend, Flora. She’s a bit of an airhead, but then, so am I. Flora and I Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related