Fairy Land

Fairy Land

Maureen was a lovely lady who was a brding friend. She and three others from Hutton Cranswck joined Michael’s first birding session in January 2004. We used to call them  ‘the ladies from  Hutton Cranswick’. Maureen was diagnosed with a rare incurable disease Amyloidosis about 11 years ago, and it lay dormant for years, but caught up on her recently. She had a secular funeral, which I still find hard getting used to as I have a strong faith, but the readings were just perfect for such a great person. She chose them herself,  and they really sum her up. She chose,  Desiderata  (Go placidly among the noise) and Leisure by W.H. Davies. The music was Elgar’s serenade for strings and Parry’s An English Suite, with a rendering of The Last Rose of Summer in the middle.  (Not this version – a cleaner slightly jazzier one}.There was one hymn – He who would valiant be. There were far more people there than expected, and we had to share the memorial sheets. It was good to meet EIleen and Gina afterwards. They were part of the 4 Ladies from HC, but no longer attend. Lynn stlll does and she keeps us up to date with the others. Norma, another former birder, was also there, but she left before I could speak to her. Tony and Miles are another two birders who attended Birding from the beginning, and they also attended to show support for the family.

All this was preceded by our normal birding session, nearby in Tophill Low. Here are a few photos.

two swans intertwining

Love is in the air

Greylag Family

Greylag Family

Garden Warbler

Garden Warbler

Little Grebe

Little Grebe


After birding and the funeral service I miraculously  found (I don’t do left and right) a nearby bluebell wood that Michael told us about. The photo is at the top of this post, and it is in memory of Maureen. Unfortunately I only had with me my long lens for birds, and my macro for plants and insects. Ideally I should have had my wide-angle to get better views. I intend to go back, but I’ve been out so much this week I don’t want to desert my beloved again. Maybe if he has a couple of clients today or tomorrow I’ll go there if the weather seems right.

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