22/06/2015 | Leave a comment I’m so organised lately. I think it started a fortnight ago when we finally got our new three piece suite. I cleared the sitting room, polished it up, and since then I have made a point of having only one hobby type thing at a time in there. (Apart from the pile of books on top of the piano, and various odds and ends in two wicker baskets on the floor). I also read a digital book on getting organised. It was mostly about avoiding meetings, and not hanging around the water machine, but it really go me sorting out paper work. I have thrown a lot, typed up odd scraps of notes and filed them on the laptop, and simplified my To Do stuff. When I say simplified – I downloaded several list and to do apps and tried them all out. In the end, I decided the simplest thing was to use my Outlook Calendar, the generic Reminders app, and a shopping app. I love how I use Reminders. I have lists headed Monday to Sunday, and Church, Out and Books (to read). I only put in a couple of things in each Monday to Sunday list, and it really gets me doing them. So today is Monday, and I have very little tidying up to do. Just the vacuuming and dustng.really. Long live organisation. Last week we had the First Holy Communions. Only 4 children and I didn’t have to do any of the photographer hiring, choosing hymns etc. (like what I had to do in my last parish – for up to 90 children), so it was just a lovely culmination of the year’s prep with four super children. Birding was enjoyable as usual. Oh, I wasn’t too organised for Creative Writing. I had to pull out a piece I did during my first term in 2004. Getting on with my knitting. I need to organise my photos and get some up on here. Bye. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related