I came home from church yesterday full of the joys of spring and told John that from now on I was going to be the perfect housewife. (Nothing to do with exhortations at church). Quick as a flash he said, ‘I don’t want the perfect housewife, I want you’. So that lets me off the hook.

Last week’s news.

Monday – I met someone who had seen my photos on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/wild_thing_09/ and had followed through to my website  http://seriouslight.co.uk/  She noticed we lived near and had a lot in common (photography and writing.  As we lived only a couple of miles from each other, I suggested we meet at the local garden centre, and we did! We also have knitting in common. And cats.

Flickr seems a very friendly site. The lady I met was at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park the day before, and had met a few Flickr members. One of them was one that I had met the other week. Well, when you see someone walking around a zoo with a camera slung around their neck you don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to guess Flickr. I’m going to use it more.

Tuesday. Oh dear, can’t remember. Normal day.

Wednesday – Birding at Wassand Hall. A private estate near Hornsea.

The Mere, Hornsea

The Mere, Hornsea




Here are some birds.

Tufted ducks

Tufted ducks

Wild Viloets

Wild Viloets

Thursday – another ‘normal’ day. In other words, I can’t remember.

Friday – Creative Writing. Really varied offerings on the subject of witches, warlocks, fairies, trolls, hobgoblins.

Saturday. Can’t remember.

You’re getting the picture here. It’s like when you ask you kids what they did at school all day. The answer is CAN’T REMEMBER. In other words,’ I can remember, but can’t be bothered to tell you/write about it.

Oh well, let me lump the  days together and give an impressionist impression so you get an impression of my impressive life.

I spent a lot of time doing MOOCs. (Massive Online Open Courses). I’m studying literature and website design on the whole. I love these subjects. I have also done a bit of gardening, as I’m really keen on having a beautiful garden at the moment. And eating my own produce. Pics will have to follow as I have uploaded a few already for this post. Can’t overload the upload facility 🙂

Sunday – really enjoyable morning at church. Hence, the ‘full of the joys of spring’ feelings. I led the Children’s Liturgy, and I do enjoy being with young children. Then I prepared the First Holy Communion candidates. Actually, I did it really badly. We went into the church in the middle, to practise a ceremony, and I left out an important bit. Also, I had wondered why the parents and kids hadnt followed me in to the church straight away, and when I got home I realised we hadn’t looked at the last couple of pages in their books!

Anyway, that was last week. A very enjoyable time. Thank God we are both in good health and enjoy our lives together. Long may it last.

Oh, I’ve just remembered Tuesday evening. It was WI, and the talk was entitled Tax and Toyboys. It was all about making wills so that your spouse or kids don’t lose their inheritance either because of various taxes, or a toyboy who comes on the scene after your hubby pops it.  We haven’t made wills, and we real;y must. Soon.


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