I can’t believe I’m saying I had a good day, but I did.

First, I discovered that the blue tits are nesting again in the nest box at the bottom of the garden. They had nested earlier this year, and it either failed or the babies fledged over Easter when we were away. Anyway, the parents are really busy now, and seem to be feeding the babies, not building a nest.

Bluetit in Next box

Nest Box

Now for one of the bad bits. It was birding, and I wasn’t sure that the post code was right, as Google Maps seemed to show somewhere much further North, so I decided to just follow Michael’s directions rather than use the post code with the Sat Nav. Our esteemed leader said we should take the first main road out of Howden. Well, I turned down the road I thought was correct, but it didn’t seem big enough, and the directions had mentioned the A19, so I turned around and took the second turning. Bad move. By the way, I had left home with plenty of time, so I wasn’t worried. Anyway, bad move, as I said. I could see by the map that I was going far too far west, so I rang leader and said to go without me and I would catch up. Now, I don’t want to bore the pants off you, but I got to Thorganby where we were meeting, with ten minutes to spare, so I just looked out for the bus stop just outside the village. I knew I had to turn left or right, depending which way I had got to the village. Up to the far end and out, back and out the other end, up to the far end again. I couldn’t see one bloody bust stop. At last I decided to just drive to Wheldrake, which was our final destination, and when I was two miles outside Thorganby. Lo and behold – a bus stop.   So pleased with myself. But there was no one there. Lots of cars. No people. Using my fantastic powers of deduction and the information board I found out where Wheldrake Ings was, and headed there. It was less than a quarter of a mile away. Once there I only saw a path to the left. Well, who would have believed you had to go straight ahead, over an iron bridge. Anyway, I decided I would just enjoy myself, so I was walking along singing songs out loud, which is probably why i didn’t see too many birds, although I heard many. I met everyone towards the end of the morning, but carried on by myself, and I was glad I did, as I had a fantastic time in one of the hides. Great views of two little egrets and two herons, not to mention the unmentionable mallards. And other odds and ends.




Little Egret

Little Egret


I had a pleasant lunch at the reserve by the original car park


then went home via Hemingbrough, where I intended to drop off a driving licence belonging so someone whose DBS (safeguarding) I was doing. I couldn’t find her house (there’s a pattern here) so I carried on to our church in Howden, where I had to pick up the draft of the weekly bulletin. I am responsible for this, and for putting it online. It was about then that I realised I was wearing my prescription sunglasses, but my ordinary glasses were no longer on my head. I pulled in to  parking area, rang John, and said I would be really late home. I then returned the fifteen miles to my picnic spot, as I knew I had my glasses at lunch time. A search revealed nothing. I got back to the car park and had a pee, hidden (hopefully) by my car. I was just getting in to the car when I saw something glinting on the gravel. My specs. Unfortunately they were a bit mangled and one lens had come out. So  why do I think I had a good day? Maybe the sun. It was so lovely.

I went back to Howden, picked up the Bulletin draft, did a bit of food shopping, just HAD to buy a Costa on the way home, and once John had finished with a client I told him all about my day. He’s a fantastic listener, and he doesn’t charge me.

Then, time in the garden photographing the blue tits and the flowers, an easy baked potato and salad meal, and cracked open a bottle of wine, even though it’s midweek.

I am now having a pleasant evening. I’ve done the bulletin and sorted my photos, and am now drinking wine and writing this blog.

Off to Sheffield tomorrow to sort out a new wheelchair for John, and I need to fit in church cleaning sometime. Also, to write something for Creative Writing on Friday. We have to do something on the theme of WHITE, having looked at a Carol Anne Duffy poem on this theme. I was walking along the canal the other day, noticing the May blossom, the Queen Anne’s Lace and the dandelion heads, so will probably do a descriptive poem. I never have any message to give!

Bye. And it was a great day.

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