23/10/2017 | Leave a comment It’s not quite 4 in the afternoon and what a day I’ve had. What else can go wrong? It started really well. Up at 6.15 and got all my usual morning stuff done and it wasn’t quite 7.30. I had contacted an online meditation group connected to ‘my’ meditation people, http://wccm.org/and knew there was a group meeting to meditate at 7.30, so Iogged in to the room. I was just in time, maybe a minute late, as my computer took ages, and I was unfamiliar with the procedure to the log in the chapel. (chat room). I made it, and found that online meditation could be just the thing for me. It was just like being in a room full of meditators. We chatted afterwards, and they all seem a really nice bunch.Nice to see a couple of them in dressing gowns, That’s probably the route I’ll take, as I don’t normally get up at 6.15. By then it was 8.30 and what I had planned for the day was to empty our bedroom and steam the carpet. There’s been dead mice under the bed since we got Boris and Barney, and although I was able to remove them I wanted to give the carpet a lovely autumn clean. I also had to post a wedding anniversary card to friends, and return a parcel to the PO for John. He had ordered the wrong size hanging files for his filing cabinet. I went out about 9am to the PO, which has been relocated to our local Londis recently. Debbie scanned the parcel and said it wasn’t working, to leave the parcel with her and she would ring up for help. She rang later to say it wasn’t a parcel for the PO and that Hermes parcels have to go to the Londis in South Cave two or three miles away. I had the dentist in S, Cave in the afternoon, so decided to could do it then, but first I tried the PO in Gylberdyke as the Amazon site had said to. The Gylberdyke lady took one look at the parcel and said it wasn’t a PO one, and true enough, the scan didn’t recognise the bar code. Oh, and the steam cleaner took so long to set up, and I had to give up on using the pre cleaner, as I couldn’t see where to insert a nozzle. Before that I had to take out our two bedside cabinets with their drawers (at least not with them – I did them separately). I had intended to move the bed, but I couldn’t move it one inch so had to leave it. Not risking my back. Back home again we searched for Hermes pick up points (and they said Newport and Gylberdyke POs as welll! But also a dry cleaners in Brough, about three miles away. I went to the dry cleaners, and another helpful lady said it wasn’t a Hermes parcel. She googled to code on the parcel and found it was PassMyParcel, or something like that. She googled the nearest pickup point, and there was nothing within 50 kilometres! Home again to do our own research. Oh, I forgot the say. I went to the dentist at 1.30, only to find my appt. is tomorrow! In the end, John spoke to the chat line at Amazon, who said it WAS the PO at Newport or Gylberdyke. He agreed to send out a new label specific to the PO and we’ll take it from there. But this will be tomorrow! I’ve had enough for one day. Ideally meditation should be done twice a day, and I really like this morning’s group, but the whole procedure took an hour, with the twenty minutes meditation in the middle. If I go online tonight it’s another hour, and I don’t really want that. Think I’ll just do my twenty minutes on my own and join the group tomorrow morning. This evening? Eat something involving cold roast pork, read, knit, watch tv. Oh, and meditate. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related