The story of Haz.


A couple of weeks ago I texted Catherine Murphy about something to do with the Children’s Liturgy on the Sunday. She texted back, asking if we were free on Saturday 11th as she had a massive favour to ask me. Foolishly I said yes, 😉 and I heard nothing for a few days. I guessed it was to help out with the children in the other church.

It wasn’t.

She asked if we could put up for the night a young man (well, born the year we were married – 1966). He was doing a walk for a venture he was setting up – getting counselling for people who felt suicidal. The Samaritans listen, but they don’t counsel. In fact, a Samaritan he knew was ‘sacked’ as she overstepped her role and began counselling.


Here is Haz’s crowdfunder page. Please give something if you can.

Haz’s Crowdfunder Page

Anyway, we had a lovely afternoon/evening with Haz, listening to his fascinating stories of people he had met on his travels. (He’s done previous much longer walks. This one was only across from Warrington to Hull, visiting the ten Super League Stadiums). He set off the next morning, with no promises of a ‘plank’ for the next night, but he is an eternal optimist, and said something would turn up. In the end, nothing did, so he came back to us for a second evening. I picked him up from the Duke of Cumberland, and then yesterday morning I dropped him off there, so he had actually done all the walking he had intended to do..

Hopefully he’ll visit the last Hull stadium this morning, and get the train back to Warrington and home. He’s been on the road since 30th March.



3 comments on “Stamp Out Suicide

  • I’ve just seen this lovely post now. I must say, well I don’t know what to say but thanks so much to you both. It was an absolute pleasure to have had privilege to meet and stay with you guys. The great thing is that the centre is being set up and thanks you for being such a great support. Look forward to seeing ye soon again.

  • Looking forward to see you too. I see on FB that you are setting up a centre in Leeds. Good for you.

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