10/04/2019 | Leave a comment Kitchen finally done. The cats seem to approve. The kitchen passes muster A new addition to the family. We finally met Leo, Liam’s 8 month old labrador, at Christmas Leo didn’t chew up too much And last photo of the year – our youngest grandchildren braving the cold. Granny used to tell us there were crocodiles in here So that’s the year caught up with. I’m surprised I didn’t take many photos at Christmas. The Scottish contingent were with us for Christmas Day and the Oxford Lot came the next day so there was a slight overlap. I suppose for Christmas Day there were no young children, so I didn’t take photos, and when A and O were here they had already had most of their pressies at home. Anyway, we had a lovely time. Just three and a half more months to catch up on, then I hope to start doing a ‘proper’ blog. For instance, church plays a large part in my life, yet because I’ve used photos to remind me of the year there is little mention of this. Or of WI or Creative Writing. Or housework, come to think of it, which is probably a blessing! Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Related