Okay, at last I have reached the end of my quick review. It is 11th April 2019, so hopefully I can remember the last eleven days and write about them.

In the meantime, I was busy knitting. I have a passion for intricate lacework, and this is the most complicated shawl I have made to date. I hope to insert the finished shawl when I take a photo of myself wearing it.

Here are some less speial birds before I treat you to the March Highlights.

Female Chaffinch
Lesser Redpoll
Windy Day in Yorkshire

It’s been a good month. Decluttering still, trying to diet, creative writing. I should have mentioned in the December review that I got a children’s nativity book published. Very proud of myself and I must write more. (I am writing, but not with an eye for publication)

I’m finishing this whistle stop review of the last eighteen months with our birding trip to Bempton. Always a winner with such close views of gannets and puffins. Here are a few of the 61 photos I have left after deleting dozens and dozens.

I saw this little fella on the way back to the visitor’s centre after our morning’s session. Out of focus and wide aperture made the photo very soft, but I like the effect.


Sometimes we see some gruesome things. Black backed gull eating a puffin, I believe.

Lunch time

No, these aren’t wood pigeons, they’re rock doves. Love is in the air.

Love birds Rock Doves

Gannet collecting nesting material


And gannets preparing to make nesting necessary

Love birds Gannets

This is what it’s all about. It lasts for seconds.

Love birds Guillemots

We were lucky enough to see two peregrine falcons. One is about to pass food to the other in mid-flight.

Love birds Peregrine Falcons

And last, but certainly not least. A vey obliging puffin posed for me


Goodbye, folks. The next post will be more or less up to date

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