Oh my goodness. I shall have to buck up. Life is good. What has happened since March?

April = Easter and we made Easter Bunnies out of a sock at the WI.

Sock Bunnies

We had a lovely holiday in May, back to Eria Resort.

The Harbour, Chania

Olivia made her First Holy Communon in June.

One hour to go

July – we had a weekend in a holiday let for John’s 80th. All the family.

Happu days

August – slumming in the sun (or was it in the rain) ALso, we had a lovely week at the Ammerdown Centre on an Enneagram workshop. Met some old friends and made some new. Photo to follow.

September. Lovely birthday for me, but no photos. Here are some teal from one of my birding excursions.

October – Here we are! Watch this space.

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