Things I need/want to do when I have time. Things in Bold and Italic were added in March 2017 Add keywords to all photos (nearly 4.000 2,040 1,712 untagged ALL DONE! Delete LOTS of photos (I have 29,805 29,119 today!) I still have over 29.000 as it’s now March 2017, but I have deleted lots up to 2014 Finish DVD 2 – 8 3-8 of Great British Courses – Classics of English Literature Finish stripey knit top (Finished) Finish Treehouse tutorial – Advanced Sass Restructure church website using Sass Done but I could still improve I was going to do a Masters in Literature in the Autumn, but n clearing the decks I found I had so many unfinished items (sewing, knitting, studying) that I thought I’d give myself another year to get organised and maybe try for a Masters in Autumn ’17. However, I am slowly going off the idea. I love all the things I do, and I really love starting NEW things. (Not necessarily hard study)